6th Class History Chapter 1 Notes

 6th Class History Chapter 1 Notes

What can we know about the past ?

  • Clothes they wore
  • houses
  • Life of hunters, herders , farmers .rulers, merchants, priests, crafts
  • The games children played
  • The stories they heard, etc....

Where did people live ?

  • Bank of Narmada river people lived in hundred thousand years ago
  • Because they know the wealth of plants and help for farming
  • IN first time Sulaiman and Kirthar hills to the north west crops wheat and barley by women and men .
  • Garo hills to the north east and the Vindhyas in central India ,agriculture developed in this area

1. 4700 years ago some of the earliest cities flourished on banks of Indus river.

2. The word India comes from Indus ,called Sindhu in Sanskrit .

3. Manuscripts:- Written by Hand 

4. Inscriptions :- Written by hard surface like stone or metal.

5. Archaeologists:- Study of Manuscripts and Inscription 

6. BC :- Before Christ 

  •     AD :- Anno Domini
  •    BCE :- Before Common Era 

6th Class History Chapter 1 Notes 6th Class History Chapter 1 Notes Reviewed by Sneha on September 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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