6th Class NCERT Geography Chapter 1 Notes

 6th Class NCERT Geography Chapter 1  Notes

1. You can see full moon only once in about a month's time . It is called Full moon night or Poornima.

2.The sun, the Moon and all those objects shinning in the night sky called Celestial Bodies.


  • They are made of Gas
  • Some celestial bodies are very big and hot.
  • They have their own heat and light.


  • Watching night sky you may notice various patterns formed by different groups of starts.
  • Ursa Major or Big Bear , Saptarishi is such Constellation.

5. Pole Star 

  • In Ancient times ,people used to determine directions during the night with the help of start.
  • North star indicate North direction, the name Pole Star

6. Planets

  • Some celestial bodies not have own heat and light.
  • They are lit by the light of the stars.
  • Word planet comes from Greek word "Planetai" means "Wanderers".
  • It gets all hit and light from the sun.
  • There are 8 Planets in solar system.
  • Distance of sun there name - Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus and Neptune .

7. Moon is a Satellite.

8. The SUN

  • Centre of the solar system.
  • It is huge and made up extremely hot gases.
  • It is ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system.
  • The sun is about 150 million KM away from the Earth.


  • Solar system all 8 planet move around the sun  in fixed paths.
  • Mercury takes 88 day for one Orbits.
  • Venus other name Earth's -twin, because size and shape similar to the earth.

10. The Earth

  • 3rd nearest planet to the sun.
  • In size it is the 5th largest planet.
  • Earth neither too hot nor too cold .
  • It has water and Air , life survival gas Oxygen , so survival is possible .
  • It is appears blue , because two third surface covered by water ,also called Blue Planet.

11. The Moon

  • It is the only one satellite of Earth.
  • It is about 384400 KM away from earth .
  • The Moon moves around the earth 27 days.

12. Galaxy

  • Huge system of billion of stars , cloud ,dust and gases .
  • Million of such galaxy make Universe

13. Asteroids

  • There are numerous tiny bodies which also move around the sun. These bodies are called Asteroids.
  • They are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

14. Meteoroids

  • The small pieces of rocks which move around the sun are called meteoroids.

6th Class NCERT Geography Chapter 1 Notes 6th Class NCERT Geography Chapter 1  Notes Reviewed by Sneha on September 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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